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Action research project/ 

Ma special educatioN 




'Paraphernalia to construct your own personal theory'  is an action research project realised within the realms of MA SPECIAL EDUCATION in spring 2019 for the workshop "Qualitative approaches in educational reserach : biografical approach in special and inclusive education" designed and delivered by Mr. proff. Tsafos Vasilis.

Purpose of this educational-biografic research project was to explore particular parameters and elements that shaped my own personal educational theory as a result of my personal educational experiences in order to understand their present form and develop them.


In the form of experimental essay physical items were considered as paraphernalia of my personal research toolkit.

"Paraphernalia" were preserved in time and chosen consciously as represantations of conditions, situations, memoirs that host a complex and valuable meening to me.

As a result, their visual documentation acts as a reflection of a certain point of view among other possible constructions of reality. The change of the point of view itself generates different constructs each time, while paraphernalia are countless, some are  superficial and some profound. The attempt to understand this process concerns the hermeneutics of social events and phenomena that took place around me in specific social and cultural framework. Possibilities in the synthesis of these paraphernalia demonstrates how hermeneutics reshape accordingly to the perspective of the researcher and the data suppilied by the researched, in order to construct a variable theories and conclusion.


In this never ending research life cycle a future research question could be: how do i conceptualise these memories and experiences.  

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